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Steamboat Springs Roadway Improvements
Mount Werner Road & Steamboat Blvd. Roundabout
Informational Meeting Agenda - October 20, 2020 at 1:00 PM
PROJECT DETAILS: (See below for Meeting Agenda)
Project Team:
- City Project Manager: Danny Paul, City of Steamboat Springs
- Project Design Engineer: Chris Rundall, Baseline Engineering
- Construction Management: Katie Goodwin, TRC Companies
- Electrical Design Engineer: Andy Wilder, Wilder Engineering
- Landscape Architect: Mike Campbell, MGC Design, Inc.
- City Public Relations Officer: TBD
- Contractor: TBD
- Partners:
- URAAC and Steamboat Springs Redevelopment Authority
- Public Utility Providers: Yampa Valley Electric, Mt. Werner Water, Comcast, Centurylink and Atmos
Project Overview:
- Improvement on intersection of Mount Werner Road & Steamboat Blvd
- Roundabout Intersection Project:
- Partial double lane roundabout (Steamboat’s biggest)
- Sanitary sewer re-alignment
- Stormwater upgrades and replacements including large diameter pipe installation, and inlets/outlet structures
- Grading for re-constructed roadway slope,
- Streetscape – sidewalks, trees, lighting
- See handout for draft Schedule of Quantities
Project Schedule/Sequencing
- 2020/21 Fall/Winter Design & Bidding
- Contractor Input Meeting October 2020
- 90% Design November 2020
- Construction Documents February 2021
- Easement Acquisitions February 2021
- Advertise February 2021
- Award March 2021
- 2021 Construction:
- Notice to Proceed April 2021
- Utility Coordination March to November 2021
- Construction April to October 2021
- Punch List & Closeout October 2021
AGENDA ITEMS: This meeting has been publicly advertised and is open to the public
Project Overview & Introduction....................................................................................1:00pm
- Introductions and Project Overview
- Intent of the meeting
- Funding structure for the project
- Easement acquisitions
- Traffic control / access expectations
- Review of Design Development Plans............................................................................1:20pm
Construction Phasing & Sequencing...............................................................................1:30pm
- See plan sheet for conceptual phasing/sequencing
- We appreciate feedback from contractors regarding construction phasing/sequencing with consideration to project schedule and challenges.
- Are there advantages to milling and paving all at once?
- How will culvert installation be phased to accommodate spring runoff?
- Culvert installation:
- Water control and diversion
- Utility supports
- Sequencing
- Utility provider coordination and relocation plans
Construction Schedule...................................................................................................... 1:45pm
- We appreciate feedback regarding construction duration. We anticipate this work may be completed in one summer construction season, approximately 6 months.
Construction Staging Areas & Easements...................................................................... 2:00pm
- We are seeking feedback on the property acquisition size/areas shown in the design plans.
- Review of temporary construction easements.
- From a staging standpoint, what is desired to most efficiently facilitate the execution of this work? How many staging locations? How large of an area is needed for a project of this scale? What is the minimum (least efficient) and maximum (most efficient) staging area desired?
- Detour routes for peds/bikes
Project Challenges......................................................................................... ……………..2:15pm
- Identified Challenges:
- Road closures and traffic routing during construction of 2-60-inch stormwater pipes
- Maintaining safe and stable surfaces at grade changes between construction phases
- Minimizing tree and other vegetation removal adjacent to residential properties.
- Safe access routes for pedestrians and bicyclists
- Pre-cast lead times
- What challenges do you see with this project (constructability, traffic/pedestrian control, staging, etc.)?
- What have we missed?
- Open Discussion................................................................................................................ 2:30pm
- Schedule Next Contractor Info Meeting……………………………………………………..2:55pm
- Site Plan (from DD)
- Ownership Map (from DD)
- Other Selected sheets: Culvert replacement, Utilities, Road Profiles (from DD)
- Phasing plan (from DD)
- Draft bid schedule / SOQ’s (from DD)
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