Frequently Asked Questions - General

    Mt. Werner Road / Steamboat Boulevard Intersection

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - GENERAL

    Why is the project necessary?

    The existing intersection configA highway with buildings in the background

Description automatically generateduration no longer operates at an acceptable level, particularly for vehicles making a left-hand turn from Steamboat Blvd onto Mt. Werner Rd. In peak times, vehicles can experience long delays and often take chances to find small gaps in traffic on Mt. Werner. If intersection control is not implemented, wait times will become longer and motorists may take greater risks to cross street, resulting in an increase in accidents.

    In addition, there currently is not a designated left-turn serving Broomtail Lane so vehicles making this turn from Mt. Werner Rd must do so without protection by a designated turn lane. The project will also replace and upsize a major culvert which will result in more resilient drainage infrastructure and ability to pass the 100-year flood. 

    What other work will the city be doing with the project?

    In conjunction with the roundabout and culvert replacement, the project will create new sidewalks, bus stop enhancements, landscaping, and pedestrian and intersection street lighting. 

    How is the project financed?

    The project is a public-private partnership between the City of Steamboat Springs, the Steamboat Springs Redevelopment Authority (SSRA), and a few development projects that contributed traffic contribution fees as part of redevelopment. The project resides within the city’s Urban Renewal Area and is a high priority for the Urban Redevelopment Authority Advisory (URAAC) committee. 

    Who is responsible for the operations & maintenance of the improvements once constructed?

    In general, the city takes care of the physical improvements between the roadway edges and by code the abutting property owner is responsible for improvements between the road edges and their property line. There are sometimes unique situations that may vary this standard. 

    When is construction planned?

    Subject to final budget approvals, the project will be constructed in 2021 and is expected to take 6 to 7 months to complete. Some work may carry over into 2022. 

    Frequently Asked Questions - Design

    Mt. Werner Road / Steamboat Boulevard Intersection

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)- DESIGN

    A picture containing text, map

Description automatically generatedWhen will the design be completed?

    The design and engineering work will be wrapped up in early 2021 to allow for public bidding of the construction portion of the project. 

    Will there be opportunity for the public to weigh in on the design?

    Yes. The public is welcome to submit questions, comments and concerns to the city’s project manager, Danny Paul, at  Comments can also be submitted  through the project website,

    Will the landscaping design require a lot of irrigation and water consumption?

    The design balances creating a pleasant aesthetic appeal but through use of drought tolerant and hearty plantings that do not require a significant amount of water. The project does not seek to install irrigated turf grass but will have native grass areas with limited irrigation to maintain a clean look. Ornamental grasses and hardscape with some trees will fill in the medians and center of roundabout. 

    Are easements or right-of-way required for this project to be possible?

    Yes. The city has commenced discussions with surrounding property owners to begin the process to acquire the necessary easements and right-of-way to allow for the project to move forward with construction. The city hopes all rights can be obtained by no later than early 2021 for the project to stay on schedule. 

    Frequently Asked Questions - Construction

    Mt. Werner Road / Steamboat Boulevard Intersection

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)- CONSTRUCTION | CONTACT

    When will the construction occur?

    Construction is planned for summer of 2021 assuming all easements and right-of-way are obtained, project funding is approved, and a construction contractor is interested in the work and within budget. 

    When will we have more information about how the traveling public and businesses will be affected?

    Meetings will be held with the construction community in advance of public bid. The city intends these meetings will reveal more information on the construction phase. Those who travel through the intersection should expect to experience detours and/or delays during construction similar to other projects of this scope. 

    How much of the street will be closed for construction?

    Street closures will likely vary. At this time, the city does not have enough information to say what areas will see detours or closures.  However, the city will stipulate to the construction contractors that two-way traffic will be maintained along Mt. Werner Road, Montview Lane, Steamboat Blvd, and Broomtail Lane. The traveling public will be encouraged to use alternative routes to avoid the construction.


    Who can I contact if I have other questions?

    Danny Paul is serving as the city and SSRA’s project manager and would be the best to contact to get more information. Please email or contact him at 970.871.8210. Alternatively, you may also contact City Engineer Ben Beall at 970.871.8293 or by email at

    Where can I find information online? 

    Project materials and ways to share your thoughts are provided at This page will be updated periodically.