Construction Slated to Start April 2024

The Ski Time Square Drive Public Turnaround and Complete Streets Improvements Project will commence major construction activities in mid-April 2024, just after the close of ski season. This highly anticipated project will formalize Ski Time Square Drive, upgrade the streetscape with new snowmelted sidewalks and upgraded landscaping and improve vehicular circulation with a new public turnaround at the end of the public right of way. Construction is expected to progress through the summer and fall, with substantial completion expected before November 1, 2024. After completing some preliminary deep utility work last fall, the project’s general contractor, Native Excavating, will complete the project’s remaining utility work beginning in April, moving to surface improvements later on.
Soon after the start of construction, the project team expects all public street parking on Ski Time Square Drive will become unavailable for most or all of the duration of the project. However, access to all adjacent properties will be maintained throughout the duration of project construction. Please don’t hesitate to contact the project team with any questions or concerns relating to access during the project.
The city recently contracted with Garret Hanson, of JG Hanson Construction Management, to serve as the construction manager for this project. Mr. Hanson will be onsite most days during the construction season and will support construction coordination with adjacent properties. The SSRA project manager, Gates Gooding, will also be available throughout the project to help coordinate, answer questions, and solve any issues that may come up during the project.
A series of biweekly public information meetings with project and construction updates will begin on Thursday, March 14, at 9 AM and continue to be held every other Thursday at the same time as long as there is interest. All interested parties are encouraged to attend for the most up-to-date information on the project. The meeting link is below:
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