Howelsen Park Vision 2040

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Consultation has concluded

Howelsen Park emcompasses the ice arena to the rodeo complex to the BMX park and up to the top of the historic ski area.

Howelsen 2040 looks to develop a 20-year vision for the entire park complex. The site informs, collaborates and empowers community discussion and action to drive what future generations will experience.

Howelsen 2040 looks to develop a 20-year vision for the entire park complex. The site informs, collaborates and empowers community discussion and action to drive what future generations will experience.

Consultation has concluded
  • Public Survey - Alternatives & Funding Measures

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    As part of the Parks, Recreation, Open Space, Trails and River Master Plan, Parks & Recreation presented alternatives and ideas for improving the city’s parks, recreation, open space, trails and river facilities

    These options have been developed based on comprehensive public input and now the community is asked to weigh in on their priorities through a public survey.

    Deadline for survey responses is April 20, 2018.