Downtown Plan

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Project Overview - Adopted April 2, 2019

A comprehensive look at Downtown planning issues (land use, density, historic preservation and connections to recreation) has not taken place since the 1999 Mountain Town Sub-Area Plan.

Recent discussions regarding building heights, ground floor use requirements, mobility and parking, as well as the infusion of new opportunities such as Steamboat Creates, have demonstrated that a fresh analysis of issues impacting our downtown is needed to ensure that our vision and resulting development standards reflect the community’s goals.

City staff have worked together with planning consultant Design Workshop and a 14-member citizen Work Group to conduct a public process and develop the attached final draft of the Steamboat Springs Downtown Plan that addresses the following objectives:

  • Define and synthesize complex and often competing issues that are influencing the future of Downtown; and
  • Provide guidance for implementing and prioritizing Plan goals and strategies.

After over a year-long public planning process, Planning staff, consultants, and the Downtown Plan Work Group are pleased to present the final draft of the City of Steamboat Springs Downtown Plan for your review and adoption.

City Council adopted the Downtown Plan during its April 2, 2019 Meeting.

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