Yampa Valley Bugle: The Brown Ranch promises to be affordable. How will the Housing Authority make that happen?
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On Wednesday, Yampa Valley Housing Authority Executive Director Jason Peasley presented how they plan to deliver on the promise of affordability.
The Brown Ranch promises to be affordable. How does the Yampa Valley Housing Authority intend to deliver on the promise? (Yampa Valley Housing Authority/Courtesy)
The number one goal of the Brown Ranch is to provide affordable and attainable housing for Routt County’s workforce, but some locals are somewhat skeptical that will actually happen.
On Wednesday, Yampa Valley Housing Authority Executive Director Jason Peasley shared how they intend to provide that affordability both initially and in the future.
The plan he presented talked about how the housing authority will utilize funding available to subsidize the construction of units at Brown Ranch and how they intend to put policies in place to ensure that those units stay affordable for the life of the development.
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