Unofficial Results Released on Annexation Agreement Question

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STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, COLORADO-March 26, 2024-Unofficial results from the City of Steamboat Springs Special Election at 10pm show 3149 ballots cast against the annexation ordinance and 2280 ballots in favor with 88 signature discrepancies which could be cured within 8 days.

Unofficial results tallied by election judges were posted on the doors to the city offices and on the city's website; this evening, Tuesday, March 26, 2024. Official results will be available in nine days on April 4.

Voters whose signatures are deemed to not match their voting record are allowed eight days after the election to prove their identity and have their ballot count according to state law. In addition, overseas or military voters have eight days after the election by law to return their ballots according to federal law.

The special election asked electors of the City of Steamboat Springs the following question:

"Shall the City of Steamboat Springs ("City") adopt Ordinance No. 2933 to annex approximately four hundred twenty acres of real property owned by the Yampa Valley Housing Authority ("YVHA") and known as Brown Ranch for the purpose of developing affordable and attainable housing in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Annexation Agreement between the City and YVHA dated Oct. 17, 2023?”

For questions concerning the special election, contact the City of Steamboat Springs City Clerk's Office at 970.871.8248 or in-person at City Hall


Julie Franklin, City Clerk, 970.871.8248 or email
Dan Foote, City Attorney, 970.879.2060 or email
Michael Lane, Communications Manager, 970.871.8220 or email

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